You Are Sick of Feeling Like Roommates

Let's work together to get out of the roommate zone!

You are in survival mode everyday...

It feels like you need to just get through the day.

For what?

To do it all over again the next day?

Let's work together to change that!

When sex feels like another item on the to-do list...

Let's work together to get back that spark and excitement to connect physically, too.

When it feels hard to be vulnerable...

I can help with that!

Welcome to Uplift and Connect Counseling

Because Great Relationships and Marriages Take Effort

Are you stuck in the Roommate Zone with your partner? Feeling disconnected, overwhelmed, and unsure of how to break the cycle? You're not alone. Many couples find themselves in this place, where daily routines and responsibilities overshadow the love and connection that once thrived.

I often feel like I am not a priority in my partner’s life. Like I am here taking care of so many things while my partner is over there doing, well, I’m not even sure what they are doing. We are so exhausted at night after working and then taking care of the kiddos that there is no energy left for me or my partner. We might veg-out on the couch together but that doesn’t feel like connecting. I feel lonely. I feel like each day is about survival to get to the next day to do it alone, all over again.

Sound familiar? Wanting to break that cycle and get back to a loving and supportive relationship? I get it!

Hi, I'm Katheryn Barton, LPC, founder of Uplift and Connect Counseling in St. Louis, MO. As a dedicated couples and relationship therapist, I specialize in helping partners like you navigate through challenges and rediscover the joy of being together. Whether it's rebuilding communication, managing conflicts healthily or simply prioritizing each other in your busy lives. I am here to support you every step of the way.

Contact me today to get started!

Frustrated? I get it!

I understand the frustrations of feeling like you're not a priority in your partner's life, and the exhaustion that comes from juggling work, kids, and household responsibilities. Together, we can create a roadmap to move from surviving to thriving in your relationship. My approach is compassionate, collaborative, and tailored to meet your unique needs.

Utilizing Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, which research and studies have shown to have the best outcomes for couples, we will work experientially to explore where you are now and where you want to go. In our sessions, we'll focus on understanding and effectively managing emotions, fostering deeper connection and intimacy.

Let's transform your relationship from the Roommate Zone back to the Lover Zone, where love, acceptance, and understanding flourish. Together, we'll explore how to deepen your connection and cultivate a supportive partnership that withstands the test of time.

Take the first step today. Click below to schedule your initial session and begin your journey toward a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Couples Therapy in St. Louis

St. Louis offers a vibrant array of activities and experiences, yet the daily grind and disconnect in your relationship may leave you feeling too drained to enjoy them. Remember when you and your partner were spontaneous and full of laughter? Now, it might feel like those moments are distant memories. You crave a relationship where coming home is a joy and where you are still giddy at text messages offering some time in the sack.

As a couples therapist based in St. Louis, I'm here to help you rediscover that spark—whether in-person or through online sessions. Together, we'll rebuild the connection and enthusiasm you once shared. Let's work towards a relationship where you both look forward to spending time together and feel rejuvenated by each other's presence.

I show up to work with my clients in-person or online as they gain back that connection and that want to go out and do things together again!

Reach out today to begin your journey towards a happier, more fulfilling relationship. Click the button below to schedule your first session.

Click the button below!

About Katheryn Barton, Couples Therapist in St. Louis, MO

Navigating personal relationships is a profound journey that deeply impacts our overall happiness and fulfillment. As a dedicated couples and marriage counselor I am passionate about helping partners reconnect and rediscover their joy together. I specialize in identifying where communication breaks down and emotional connections falter, working tirelessly to restore harmony and understanding in relationships.

I believe in a supportive yet direct approach—helping couples confront challenges honestly and constructively. My goal is to create a safe space where both partners can explore their feelings, address underlying issues, and develop effective communication tools. Whether you're longing to reignite the spark in your relationship or struggling with newfound distance, I'm here to guide you towards a deeper connection and renewed sense of closeness.

Working with couples to find that safe place within each other is my jam 🙂 If you are wanting to work with someone who will be supportive but also call you out on your bullsh**, we might just be the perfect fit.

You are ready! Take the next step towards a stronger relationship, click the link below to start your journey with me. Together, we can navigate through obstacles and cultivate a relationship built on mutual respect, understanding, and genuine intimacy. I look forward to partnering with you on this transformative path.





“Your life does not get better by chance it gets better by choice.”

-Jim Rohn