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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Uplift and Connect Counseling with Katheryn Barton, where I specialize in fostering strong, healthy relationships through effective couples therapy. Below are some common questions about my services and how therapy can benefit you and your partner.

What is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)?

Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a proven, structured approach designed to help couples build stronger emotional bonds. Developed by Dr. Sue Johnson, EFT focuses on improving emotional connection and attachment between partners. Through EFT, couples learn to identify and express their needs, understand each other’s emotional responses, and create a secure, supportive relationship.

How is therapy different from talking with a friend?

Therapy offers a structured, non-biased and professional approach that friends and family cannot always provide. While talking with a friend can be supportive, it often lacks the objectivity, confidentiality, and specialized techniques that a trained therapist brings. Therapists are skilled in guiding conversations to explore deeper issues, facilitate effective communication, and develop strategies for resolution. My role is to provide a safe space for honest discussion, offer expert insights, and help you and your partner achieve lasting positive change.

How can therapy help my relationship?

Therapy can be transformative for your relationship in several ways:

  • Improved Communication: Learn effective communication techniques that foster understanding and reduce conflicts.
  • Enhanced Emotional Connection: Rebuild and strengthen the emotional bond between you and your partner.
  • Conflict Resolution: Develop strategies to address and resolve conflicts in a healthy manner.
  • Understanding Patterns: Identify and break negative interaction patterns that may be contributing to relationship issues.
  • Increased Empathy: Gain a deeper understanding of each other’s feelings and perspectives.

How long will it take to see results?

The duration of therapy varies depending on the nature and complexity of the issues you’re facing. On average, couples may start seeing noticeable improvements within 6-12 sessions. However, the exact timeline will depend on your unique situation, the goals you set, and your engagement in the process. Progress can be influenced by factors such as the frequency of sessions, the effort put into applying therapeutic strategies outside of sessions, and the willingness to address challenging issues.

What does a therapy session look like?

In a typical therapy session at Uplift and Connect Counseling, you can expect:

  1. Check-In: We’ll start by discussing any recent developments or concerns since the last session. And you can share a particular event or conversation we might want to dissect and explore through the EFT lens.
  2. Focus: We’ll work on specific issues or goals you’ve identified, using techniques tailored to your needs and the needs of the relationship.
  3. Activities: Engaging exercises may be used to help practice new skills or explore emotional responses. I will ask you and your partner to turn to each to share newly processed/clarifying information directly with one another. This can be intimidating but I am there to support, and we do it in a safe way.
  4. Reflection: We’ll reflect on what was learned during the session and discuss any insights or action steps. We will also go over tangible tools/approaches/mindsets to walk away with between sessions.

Sessions are designed to be collaborative and supportive, providing a safe space where both partners can express their feelings and work together towards positive change.

How should I prepare for a therapy session?

To make the most out of your therapy sessions, consider the following:

  1. Set Goals: Think about what you want to achieve in therapy and discuss these goals with your partner.
  2. Be Honest: Approach sessions with openness and honesty. The more transparent you are, the more effective the therapy will be.
  3. Reflect: Spend some time reflecting on any recent issues or patterns in your relationship that you’d like to address.
  4. Be Open-Minded: Be willing to explore new perspectives and approaches to resolving issues.
  5. Follow-Up: Implement any agreed-upon strategies or exercises between sessions to reinforce progress.

How can I get the most out of couples therapy?

To maximize the benefits of couples therapy, consider these tips:

  1. Commit to the Process: Engage fully in each session and commit to the therapeutic process. Consistency and commitment are key to achieving lasting results.
  2. Practice Skills: Apply the communication techniques and strategies discussed in therapy to your daily interactions. Practice helps reinforce new habits and behaviors.
  3. Be Patient: Understand that change takes time. Be patient with yourselves and each other as you work through issues and make progress.
  4. Maintain Open Communication: Keep the lines of communication open with your partner outside of therapy. Share your thoughts and feelings honestly to continue building trust.
  5. Work as a Team: Approach therapy as a collaborative effort. Support each other in implementing changes and working towards shared goals.

How do I get started?

Getting started with Uplift and Connect Counseling is easy! Contact me, Katheryn Barton, to schedule your initial consultation. We’ll discuss your needs, answer any further questions you may have, and begin the journey towards a healthier, more fulfilling relationship.

Contact Me

Phone: 314-325-4922 


 Address: 439 South Kirkwood Road, Suite 208, Kirkwood, MO 63122

I look forward to helping you and your partner build a stronger connection and navigate any challenges you may be facing. Feel free to reach out with any additional questions or to schedule an appointment.