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Goals as a Couples Therapist

Making the therapy space, either in office or online, a safe space to have hard conversations. When we are in session my clients know that I am there to support both of them. I take pride in keeping our work neutral so both partner’s feel seen and understood in session. The goal is to find your safe space in your partner. We pause hard topics and explore them to the smallest detail. We explore where your reactions are coming from and the emotions connected with them. As you know, when challenges arise and you reach for your partner, if they are not there how lonely that feels. In our sessions we delve into those fears and vulnerabilities that are so hard to share. We bring them to the forefront and find ways to explore them without judgement. Join me on this journey back to your partner. I’d love to be your guide.

Schedule your first session today by clicking below.

Here for your Relationship

Can you help us? 

Is a common question I get at the end of any first session with a couple. The answer I give is a resounding, “YES! I can’t wait to get started!”

Right now it feels like your connection is lost. That your relationship has gotten so distant you are not sure it will ever get back to how it used to be. A time when things felt easier. You notice yourself saying “we used to have so much fun together, what happened?” 

Things are different at the beginning of a relationship, that doesn’t mean it will stay that way but that isn’t a bad thing. Relationships change and grow and morph just like we do as people. Whether you are “in the thick of it” with kiddos and work or you are moving to a time where it’s “just the two of you” again, I am here as a guide toward better understanding, better connection, and a more accepting love.

Click below and start the ball rolling toward a more fulfilling relationship.

Hello! From a St. Louis, Missouri Based Counselor


I’m Katheryn Barton. Some of my favorite things in this world include, keeping busy. I am always on the lookout for the next thing I can learn and jump into. I am a sucker for workshops and reading or listening to (audiobook) the next book for my book club. I love traveling, trying new foods and seeing what level of spicy I can make my Thai food without hating myself 😉 Live music and living-room dance parties with my hubs and daughter keep me young and my "mom-moves" up-to-par. 

More of my favorite things include laughing with my mom, even if it is mostly to America’s Funniest Home Videos. Exploring any vast pumpkin patch for the perfect jack-o-lantern. Listening to the family chorus singing happy birthday to the lucky person that month. The little bit of icing on the bottom of the candle that feels like a special, sneaky-treat. And of course, a thick Ted Drewes concrete on a hot summer day, trying to finish it before it turns into ice-cream soup.

My background consists of  living and traveling abroad where I learned how to order a beer and say cheers in many languages. Attending many schools over many years and earning my undergraduate degree from the University of Kansas. THEN I went back for my associate degree to become a sign language interpreter. Since that wasn’t enough for me, I went back to school again while working full-time with Special School District to earn my master’s degree. All of this has brought me here, where I am finally ready and excited to help my clients learn healthy communication tools and strategies. 

Gottman Trainings

Emotion Focused Therapy Trainings

Suicide Prevention Trainings

Grief Trainings

Mediation Training

Licensed Professional Counselor #2018028495

Sign Language Interpreter since 2010

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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