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Dating Ideas

The importance of dating!!

As time and busy schedules get the better of us it's easy to lose sight of our relationship. We often put it on the backburner taking for granted that it will still be there after the chaos of having kids or climbing that career ladder. 

I'm here to remind you that great relationships take effort and continuing to date your partner will keep your connection close.

The closeness will help with impending conflicts and differing in perspectives along with hard conversations.

Trust me :)

Here are some ideas and please come up with your own!

- Get creative with a date for each letter of the alphabet

- The goodwill date

- Try something new

- Cook together

- Take a class together

- Go paddle-boating

- Read to each other (only interesting things, of course)

- Visit a museum

- Empty the dishwasher together

- A day at the zoo

- Live music

- Picnic

- Bike Trails

- Check out a local winery

- Fold laundry with a beverage of choice

- Tantalizing conversation, anywhere

- Ziplining

- Front porch cocktails or ice cream

These are just a few ideas and of course this will ebb and flow with the times.

I hope this offers some inspirations as you match your life season with dates that make sense for your connection.

Have fun and play together again :)