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Counseling for the Individual

Struggling in a relationship? Romantic or otherwise…

Struggling with truly deciding what you want or how you want your life to look like for you?

Or maybe you want to come to couples counseling but your partner is not interested. You can still make changes and better your relationship and life by coming to therapy on your own.

Relationships are hard. Life is hard. If you are looking for a fresh perspective on topics that have been spinning around in your mind and body lately, I am here to help.

Individual therapy differs from group or alternative therapy methods in the way that you are the sole focus as we work on alternative ways to handle solutions and explore multiple perspectives to a relationship or situation. Relationships, emotions and our lives are complex. Let’s work together to make sense of these complexities and take control of what you want your life to look like to best suit you and your goals.

So if any of these sound like you…

  • Feel like a burden sharing your struggles with your friends, again
  • Want somebody to listen to you and your feelings for once
  • Worry about the same problem over and over
  • Have a secret struggle and not sure who you can trust to talk about it with
  • You wish there was somebody who could tell you why you feel this way
  • You’re interested in therapy, but you don’t want to give up total control
  • Other areas of your life are being negatively impacted by your struggle
  • Never been to therapy before and not sure how it would help

Individual therapy could be right for you.

Individual work with a therapist is so helpful for so many people because it’s the best way to get truly customized help. Reach out to me today and reclaim control in your relationships and your life.

If you’re looking for help in improving your everyday life – or for a more tailored therapy experience – you would be a great fit for my individual therapy services. Reach out to me today!

Get your life and relationships back on track!