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Reclaim Your Relationship!

It’s time to start your journey toward a better-connected relationship or marriage! You miss your partner and feel alone even when the two of you are together. It’s time to reclaim your relationship and make it what you want and need it to be to feel supported and loved.

When you think about how you fight or how you approach conflict, what does it look like? We tend to fall into patterns that cause most of our arguments to look the same or similar no matter the topic. We could argue over who made the bed last or where we want to move to next. Big or small, it still feels the same.

The work we will do through Emotion Focused Therapy and/or Gottman supported ideas and work will provide clarity and understanding to the lack of connection in your relationship. I look forward to being a support as you work through hard things to get to the other side of feeling connected and loved.  


Couples Counseling

Relationships take work. Resentments are building and it's harder and harder to have conversations that don't turn into an argument. I can help you two reconnect!


Love is love! Wanting support for your relationship in a space that understands your struggles? It's here! Let's focus on the uniqueness that is your relationship and find ways to make it even better!

The Mom Group

Feeling disconnected from your partner? I get it! The two of you are trying to raise little humans and stay connected all at once. It's hard! This group offers support with other moms like you!


Relationship got you down? Need a place to vent and figure our how to make change? I got you. Let's explore your needs and wants and figure out how to share them with your partner.

Pre-Marital Counseling

Just got engaged? Dating and on the path for a future together? Let's work on communication skills for a healthy relationship!

Deaf or Hard of Hearing?

Much can be lost in translation, so let's work together in your native language without barriers to communication.

Parents of Children who are Deaf

Join me as we will explore all your options for the life that lies ahead of you and your little one.

Reach out today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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